Saturday, November 20, 2010

Inroducing me... And my opinion

Hello world. Welcome to my blog. I needed some space to express my opinion and share it with the rest of the world, so I've created this blog. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

First things first, I am a chef. Cooking is what I do and I enjoy what I do. I live in The Bay Area, CA so there's plenty of work for those in this industry. As a cook and a writer I find that writing about food and things concerning the food industry comes naturally. However, I'm not here as some food chronicling critic whose word will make or break the blood sweat and tears that an individual has poured into running something as complex as a restaurant. That's not a cool thing to do. Nobody likes criticism and pessimism is depressing. That's why I avoid the Food section of most major newspapers such as the SF Chronicle and the NY Times. Furthermore, for the masses to blindly follow the word of some whimsically opinionated journalist who scrutinizes every minor detail of a dining experience is even more disappointing. We all have equally valuable opinions, let's trust our own. Besides, eating should be enjoyable. It should be a time of smiles and happy tastebuds. Being a snob is really uncool. Especially when throwing your weight around by giving a low rating to some hard working folks who are simply trying to make a living. Let's do better.

So let me part by encouraging all of you to trust your instincts, value your own opinion, and not rely on self entitled aristocrats of the food world to shape our likes and dislikes. What's my favorite food? BBQ. Am I going to give up on my favorite rib joint because some Chronicler decided to rate it one and a half stars. Absolutely not. Life's too short for that, let's be positive.

Welcome to my blog! It is my hope that this is a break from the bland food writing that has dulled our literary pallete and offers a flair of robust and flavorful commentary from an insider.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Culinarian,



  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, my dear. And might I add.....this is a nice first post. :)

  2. Way to go Jordan, interesting and good first post! I'm looking forward to reading your robust and flavorful commentary!! Peace and Blessings Chris Belton
