Friday, January 28, 2011


Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears...

I first must apologize for my long absence. Between the holidays, my iphone going by the wayside, my graduation, and my family visiting, I have not updated my blog in quite some time. And for that, I am sorry. Now on with the blogging...

Just under a week ago I graduated from culinary school. It was so recent that I've yet to even find a frame to hang my newly acquired diploma in. The months leading up to graduation I treated this event as though it had no real consquence, if it were no big deal. However, upon the day I was filled with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Yes, they usher us through this school like cattle at a slaughterhouse and after graduation throw us to the wolves, but it's not about that with me. It wasn't a normal college experience where you make life long friends to bail you out in 20 years and it wasn't about learning the basics of becoming a cook. I was proud that I finished. I started down a path that interested me and I saw it through until the end. And there is something to be said for that. All through life I've fought this inner struggle of finding what is right for me. Looking for a place where my creative self can be reconciled to reality and this is the medium. I love what I do and the experience of learning it more in depth is invaluable to me.

So I want to take this time to encourage all of you to do the same. Whether it be going to culinary school, med school, art school, or no school at all, I want to encourage you to strive for what you desire.

Take care my friends and happy eating,


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